
We provide several methods of downloading GRIIS data.

  1. GRIIS checklists are available on GBIF as Darwin Core Archives. They are provided in the form of ZIP archives with three main CSV files: taxon.txt, speciesprofile.txt and distribution.txt. The GRIIS data is spread amongst these three files. Additional authors and contributors for each checklist can be found here. A link is provided for each of the checklists.
  2. We provide simplified checklists, available to download below. These are generated from the GRIIS Research Database, and can be downloaded as a single CSV file. We recommend this option for non-technical users.
  3. You can view the GRIIS data directly on this website, by following the page link provided..
  4. You can also search for species individually using the Species Search page.

You can filter the list using the search box.